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Digital Death Battle



Digamos que aunque Smith haya sido derrotado,quedaron parte de su programación y datos por lo cual logra
regenararse.Entonces de algun modo llega al Digimundo infectandolo todo,los Niños elegidos se dan cuenta
y van detenerlo.Los digimon de los niños digievolucionan a su etapa Mega y estan cara a caran con Smith y
sus clones.¿Quien creen ustedes que saldra victorioso?¿Los jóvenes protectores del Digimundo o el agente
renegado convertido en virus?

En lo personal creo que ganarian los Niños Elegidos tomando en cuenta los siguientes factores

-Smith clones are weak only the original has a very high power level
-Cuando ocurre una Digievolución,toda la información de la matriz podría enloquecer haciendo que Smith perdiera
fuerza y capacidad de controlar sus poderes
-La luz sagrada de los digivice podría poner en jaque a los smith ya que tiene la habilidad de purificar datos
Por lo cual Smith lo pensaria dos veces al tratar de atacar a los Niños Elegidos directamente
-El codigo digimon es muy diferente al de un humano virtual del mundo de la Matrix,ya que los Digimon pueden existir
tanto en el virtual como el mundo real,en cambio Smith tenie que "poseer" a un humano y no puede hacer nada "fantástico"
en el mundo real.No hay garantia de QUe smith pueda entender el codigo digimon,smith puede asimilar a los seres que
tienen un programa similar a él,pero el codigo digimon es mucho mas complicado y poderoso.
-La carta de triunfo de los Niños elegidos seria Omnimon dado que si fue capaz de destruir miles de copias de Diaboromon
de un solo golpe,él podría fácilmente acabar con clones de Smith


Let's say that even Smith was defeated,part of his programming and data remained so he manages to regenerate
himself.Then somehow he arrives at the Digital World infecting everything,the DigiDestined realizes this and
they go to stop him.The kid's digimon digivolve to their Mega forms and are face to face with Smith and his clones.
¿Who which you think will emerge victorious?¿The young protectors of the the Digital World or the renegade agent
turned into virus?

Personally I think that the DigiDestined would win by taking account the following factors

-Smith clones are weak, only the original has a very high power level
-When a digivolution occurs all the Matrix's information could go crazy,making Smith to lose strength and ability to
control his powers
-The holy light of the digivice could jeopardize the smith,since it has the ability to to purify corrupted data.Therefore Smith
would think twice BY trying to attack the DigiDestined directly
-The digimon code is very different from a human of the virtual world of Matrix,since the Digimon can exist in both the
virtual and the real world,Smith instead have to a "possess"human and could not do anything "great" in the real world.
There is no guarantee that smith will understand the digimon code.Smith can assimilate beings who have a similar program
to him,but the digimon code is much more complicated and powerful.
-The DigiDestined's trump card would be Omnimon because if he was able to destroy thousands of copies of Diaboromon with
a single blow,he could easily wipe out Smith's clones 
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1362x422px 1.49 MB
© 2015 - 2024 inukaiser
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apcomics's avatar
Would it be far to compare Agent Smith, with Daeboramon  from the digimon movie?

Since he his a replicating world warping Virus....  and the digidestine beat him.