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Emblema de la Justicia/Crest of Justice



Aqui les traigo mi version del Emblema de  la Justicia,cuyo portador no es otro que Ryo Akiyama quien en un fic mio de Digimon Adventure se convierte en el noveno Niño Elegido luego de haber salvado a Tai y a los demas de Milleniumon (Anode/Cathode Tamer) y de haber enviadoun correo para ayudar a Omnimon (Anode/Cathode Tamer) y su compañero es Monodramon.La razon por la cual su cualidad es la Justicia es por la etapa mega de Monodramon,Justimon se le conoce como  el"Héroe de la Justicia"

Here I bring to you my version of the Crest of Justice,which bearer is none other than Ryo Akiyama,who in a Digimon Adventure's fic of mine ,becomes the ninth Digidestined after he saved Tai and others from Milleniumon(Anode/Cathode Tamer)and sending an email to help Omnimon (Anode/CathodeTamer)and his partner is Monodramon.The reason that his quality is Justice is bacause of Monodramon's megaform,Justimon
is known as the "Hero of Justice"
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494x524px 11.09 KB
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